
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Southern Jewelry News - August 2010

SJN also ran a cover story on our contemporary metals.

National Jeweler Magazine - August 2010

National Jeweler Magazine some of our diamond bangles.

They mentioned us as a sponsor of America's Best Jewelers.

They quoted Claudia Zale in a blurb about prototypes.

National Jeweler Magazine Online - August 2010

National Jeweler mentioned us as a partner in JIC's "Gems Among Us".

MId America Jewelry News - August 2010

MAJN gave us a front page story on contemporary metals.

Jewelry Artist Magazine - August 2010

Jewelry Artist featured our contemporary metals.

JCK Magazine Online - August 2010

Paul Holewa, a sr. editor with JCK attended our Solutions Symposium and wrote a great summary of the event.

JCK Magazine - August 2010

JCK featured our new bridal and contemporary metals in their Product Showcase section.

They also mentioned our collaboration with JIC.

Instore Magazine - August 2010

Our customers named us a Hot Brand in Instore Magazine.

Idex Magazine - August 2010

Idex also mentioned us for partnering with JIC. - August 2010 mentioned us partnering with JIC for their "Gems Among Us" contest.