
Friday, October 8, 2010

Southern Jewelry News - October 2010

We were also on the cover of SJN this month with a Clean Scrap story.

National Jeweler Magazine - October 2010

National Jeweler featured some of our finished jewelry product in their fashion spread.

MJSA Journal - October 2010

MJSA featured our Light On Demand tool in their "Tools & Technologies" section.

Mid America Jewelry News - October 2010

We made it to the cover of MAJN again this month with a story detailing how the Clean Scrap Program can help jewelers during the holidays.

Luxury Webblog Spot

This online blog mentioned our involvement in GIA's Mini Jewelry Career Fair.

JQ International - October 2010

JQ International featured our release detailing the distribution of our 3 new catalogs.

JCK Magazine - October 2010

JCK featured Matt Stuller in their new column "View from the Top."

Our Solutions Symposium was also mentioned in the publication's "Shop Talk" section.

JCK Online - October 2010

In celebration of our 40th Anniversary, JCK published a product-ccentic style blog.

They also featured our release regarding the holiday distribution of 3 new catalogs.

Instore Informer - October 2010

A publication for manufacturers, the Instore Informer mentioned our Annual Bench Jewelers Workshop.

Instore Magazine - October 2010

We were mentioned as a "best performing brand name jewelry line" in Instore Magazine's annual survey.

We were named again in "favorite business apps(for iphone)"

Our pearls were also featured as a part of this issue's fashion spread.